Come and immerse yourself in original wholeness
We offer one-day, two-day and three-day workshops and retreats in various locations throughout the year, as a way of helping you deeply immerse yourself in original wholeness and Being, and open to participating in life’s flow.
The Details
The details of each intensive is unique, and you can find out about each one by clicking on each ‘learn more’ button on the calendar.
In our intensives, we dive deeply into a topic relevant to the awakening process. Usually we try to limit our intensives to 8 to 16 participants to enhance the intimacy and intensify the transformative potential.
In the mornings, we typically open with meditation and gazing, and then give short talks or have interactive discussions. Often we include exercises designed to give you a direct experience related to the intensive topic.
In the afternoons, we often break into two small groups, each led by Allan or Gena, so each person can have around 30 minutes to explore their own awakening process as it relates to the given topic.
Prices for our intensives vary from $225 to $275, depending on where in the country we offer them, and we usually offer discounts for those who register early.
We ask everyone who has not attended a sitting or had a private session with Allan and or Gena – to do so first before joining one of our intensives.